
Leadership Programme

At the beginning of the leadership year, typically around Easter, we usually take a new group of twelve students from six schools to a tranquil setting in the hills for a very popular one-week residential camp, where, in a very homely environment we support the students to embody the organization’s principles, further develop their confidence and self-belief, begin to explore and learn about the issue’s that impact on their communities, country, continent and the world and the role they can play as young leaders. Over the years we have given them opportunities to experience leadership roles, discuss topics as diverse as, rights of girls, the environment, corruption, the county’s position in the world, its assets and potential. Throughout these discussions the students continuously explore their role and responsibility as young people, leaders and role models.  

Following the residential camp, the young people return to their schools and share their knowledge with other students and consolidate their knowledge, at the SoAYL school clubs.

Graduates from the programme have the opportunity to become Peer Facilitators and later Programme Facilitators.

Through out the programme the students give us regular feedback, share their experiences and contribute towards the future direction of the programme.

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